The very large Fort Lauderdale International Boat show took place this past weekend. So, Storylines was there showing off the MV Narrative. Along with this there is a social hour(s) for us existing residents as well as a few of us gathering beforehand to talk over some contract language. For me, the huge amount of paperwork is mostly set, but I still have a few questions about the financial risks. Plus, talking it all out in person with future shipmates helps build community.
Today, I’m taking the train from Orlando to Fort Lauderdale and back for these gatherings. It’s a 4+ hour drive one way and traffic down there sucks. So I decided to test out the new high speed train by Brightline. It’s really only one of 2 trains in the US you could call high speed. Acela in the north east is the other. Which is way behind the rest of the world.
I’m writing while at a brisk 125mph and the experience so far has been great. Other than having to navigate the Orlando airport parking because the lot was full it’s been perfect. Nice new and clean train terminal and a complete breeze getting through security and ticking. Just scan and go.
I had lunch and while basic at least food existing. Over all a nice experience and only a tad more expensive than driving. Less if you consider the wear on my soul driving in south Florida.